
Here you'll find articles related to innovation, management consulting, product development, digital transformation and technology solutions.

Should Your Business Build or Buy New Tech? It Depends.

Three questions to consider when determining whether building or buying new tech is the right solution for your business.


Build Versus Buy When Going Custom is a Differentiator

Technology executives understand the answer to this question is rarely black-and-white. Ultimately, what matters is whether your technology solutions are driving business value or hindering it.


Outpace The Competition With Composable Commerce

It's much easier to redirect a fleet of speedboats than to turn around a cruise ship. In the world of commerce solutions, the monolithic commerce platform is like the cruise ship—they’re reliable, they may have some fun bells and whistles, but they are bulky and slow. A composable commerce solution is more like a fleet of speedboats—nimble, interchangeable, and quick.


Build Versus Buy: Thinking Beyond Total Cost Of Ownership

Companies are challenged daily to identify a software solution that fits their business needs. The discussion quickly turns to one major question: is buying or building software the solution?


Two Agile Disciplines to Prioritize Above the Rest

Today's vast majority of technology leaders recognize that an iterative approach reduces risk, and maximizes value. What remains a debate is the best way to implement and practice agile methodology. Let me share why I believe in a more straight forward approach to agile...


The Extra Step That Creates Better Products, Happier Teams, & More Satisfied Customers

Customer centricity is a core value common among most organizations today. With the rate of disruption at an all-time high, business leaders...


Pave the Way for Effective Collaboration Between Business and Product Teams

Successful digital transformation is rarely easy. It requires a clear strategy and impeccable communication across a myriad of internal constituents. Yet, leaders of successful enterprises know they must continue to innovate to remain competitive. And, they must foster effective collaboration between business and product teams to make meaningful progress.


Achieving Mobile Excellence in 2021

Forbes recently published an article written by Tim Mitrovich, Founder and CEO of Artisan, on the topic of mobile excellence. In the article, Mitrovich shared three...


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