Opportunity, Not Fear, Should Drive Our Career Choices

The Real Reason Behind the Great Resignation
You have a choice when it comes to your career and where you share your talents.
The Great Resignation is a topic that’s been top of mind as professionals make big career moves and companies rush to fill roles. What prompted this nationwide resignation? And what can individuals and employers do to move past reaction into intentional action? Artisan Studios Partner, Rob Harbols, discusses a key observation being overlooked when analyzing data around the Great Resignation as a response to the pandemic.
“While the pandemic was the catalyst for The Great Resignation, it wasn’t the reason behind it. This worst-case scenario reduced the invisible gap between a professional’s fear of the unknown and desire to take a leap of faith." says Harbols.
With stagnating pay and companies’ knee-jerk reaction during economic downturns, professionals are no longer concerned with company loyalty. Instead, they are more willing to consider new opportunities with higher pay or better working conditions.
Navigating Career Moves
The Great Resignation isn’t just a thing everyone thought they should go do. It’s a byproduct of people realizing that the unknown isn’t all that scary anymore. In this Forbes article, Harbols shares four tips professionals should consider for evaluating their career.
1. RedefineStability
2. Invest in Yourself
3. SeekConnection at Work
4. RethinkAny Reservations
Creating a Better Corporate Culture
Harbols goes on to share his perspective on why the pandemic fueled the idea for switching jobs and leaving corporations.
“Corporate culture is lacking, it doesn’t care about the individual as a human with needs – it doesn’t have their back. When the leap to leave is less intimidating, more people take it.”
Continuing through this Forbes article, Harbols offers five points of advice for employers to create a better culture.
1. InvestIn Your Employees
2. Make the Work Meaningful
3. BeSympathetic in Survival Mode
4. Confront the Unknown
5. CreateCulture Alignment
With a better understanding of the perspective shift behind the Great Resignation, individuals can better prepare for success, and employers can radically improve retention. To read the full article, visit Forbes.com.